Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Memory Lane

 Two years ago today, my life changed FOREVER.  I was at a church function (near the dessert table, suprise suprise), when this boy came up and starting flirting with me. Little did I know that he was actually teaching his socially awkward roomate how to talk to girls...I was Exhibit A.

I would never have guessed that this 10 minute conversation would eventually make me the happiest girl in the world.

I love the month of January, because it's the anniversary for a lot of our "firsts."

January 9- First time meeting.
January 11- First unofficial lunch date at Subway.
January 15- First real date.
January 29- First kiss.

I'm sad that I didn't get to do a blog post on my actual anniversary a few weeks ago, but I am NOT sad that we got to celebrate on a cruise ship. (More pics of that fabulous trip to come.)

Anniversary dinner on the ship!

Happy Anniversary Babe!

Thank you for:
Putting up with my need to constantly decorate our little home.
Being so sweet in the mornings when I'm so cranky.
Starting the car in the morning before I go to work so it's toasty warm (and scraping the windshield!)
Doing the dishes EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT after dinner. 
Doing SO well and working SO hard in school....All A's last semester! (While working too!)
Not judging my love (more like an obsession) of ice cream. 
Still thinking I'm hot pregnant. Even though I don't feel too smokin' sometimes.
Laughing at my jokes.
Giving me the benefit of the doubt when I tell you the same story more than once. (This is a common occurrence.)
Letting me have all the drawers in the bathroom, and most of the closet space.
Always smelling so yummy.
Being my guinea pig when I try new recipes. 
Giving the best hugs when I've had a bad day.
Being so excited about being a daddy.
Making me the happiest girl on earth. 
Marrying me.

Here's to many, many, many more years.






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