Saturday, November 16, 2013


The 2 weeks after our sweet babe was born was quite the whirlwind! Cam's sister Kate, and her husband Jake, decided to get married the day AFTER Callie's due date... (Little stinkers...) But we're SOOOO happy it worked out to be induced the week before. We made the trip down to Salt Lake, and it was a beautiful day, Kate was a STUNNING bride, and these two love birds were so giddy all day.

It was so fun visiting with family, and showing off our perfect, new babe.

Literally as we were leaving for Salt Lake, Callie's doctor called and said that her jaundice levels were too high, so we had to rent the Bili blanket and keep her on the lights 24/7.  It was kind of a pain, but someone was always snuggling her, so it wasn't too bad. 

My little glow worm.

Callie's Blessing Day
April 28, 2013

We were able to work it out with our ward and my parents ward to have Callie's blessing down in Salt Lake. It was great for Cameron's family to kill two birds with one stone and have the wedding and the blessing all in one weekend. 

We were SOOOOOO grateful to our friends and family who traveled to be apart of our special day. My angel baby was perfect the whole time, and Cam did an amazing job. The water works were a flowin'. 

Such a special day.

Because she was only 1 week old when we blessed her, we had to buy the smallest size of dress...2XS, and it still drowned her. But I think she looks pretty perfect. 

Thanks to Aunt Kass for being my photographer!

I think this pic is the sweetest. 

After our wonderful (and exhausting) weekend, we headed back to Rexburg to pack.  

We decided to go to Bakersfield, CA for the summer, so Cameron could do summer sales.. (post about the summer coming soon.)

The day before we left the Mr. got SO sick! Besides the constant puking and....other stuff...I think the hardest part for him was not being able to love on Callie.  In my 3 years of knowing him, I have NEVER seen him like this, so when the babe slept, we laid in bed and watched the top 100 songs of the early 2000's.  Memory lane. (It sounds silly, and even though my hubs was SO sick, this was a good day, and we loved it.)

His birthday was the next day, so we loaded up the car, and drove to Salt Lake to party with my fam, and say good bye for the summer. 

Sooo appetizing after having the flu.

So. Much. Stuff.  It's a good thing Cam's a MASTER packer.

Getting some snuggles at the gas station. 

And we made it!!!

13 hours later... we were pooped, but Callie was a champ!

Ooh, that face!

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