Wednesday, December 12, 2012


This is the LAST time for 88 years that we'll have a cool date like this! So this post has no real significance. Embrace the randomness.
Temple square at Christmas time = the most beautiful thing EVER.

I was preparing a lesson for Relief Society and the Mr. was sooo helpful and painted letters for me. I snapped a shot because he's adorable.

The new do! I totaly let Brittney talk me into doing ombre highlights and it turned out sooo good! The picture doesn't nearly do it justice. Just ignore the bad light + awkward smile.

Just got these puppies in the mail from a very dear person! We LOVE Barbie. Plus these little girl shoes are to die for! Seriously. I keep taking them out of the box to look at them and hold them. Can't believe someone could be so small and fit in these. Such a fun surprise!


Hope everyone does something fun today!!!