Wednesday, December 12, 2012


This is the LAST time for 88 years that we'll have a cool date like this! So this post has no real significance. Embrace the randomness.
Temple square at Christmas time = the most beautiful thing EVER.

I was preparing a lesson for Relief Society and the Mr. was sooo helpful and painted letters for me. I snapped a shot because he's adorable.

The new do! I totaly let Brittney talk me into doing ombre highlights and it turned out sooo good! The picture doesn't nearly do it justice. Just ignore the bad light + awkward smile.

Just got these puppies in the mail from a very dear person! We LOVE Barbie. Plus these little girl shoes are to die for! Seriously. I keep taking them out of the box to look at them and hold them. Can't believe someone could be so small and fit in these. Such a fun surprise!


Hope everyone does something fun today!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

She's a SHE!

What a good day today was!

It's amazing how finding out the gender changes EVERYTHING.

The ultrasound appointment was at 8:30 this morning, and our anxiousness got the best of us as we showed up 20 minutes early. Yeah, we could hardly wait to find out if this little peanut was a he or a she.

Seriously though, I was SO nervous. Not that I really cared what we were having. (because we don't have either.  But for those of you who've had children, you know how many stinkin' pictures they have to take of your babe on this particular ultrasound.. Well, I was getting impatient and was ready for her to go to that certain "area" and just get it over with!

Then, she pointed on the screen and said...."There's not a whole lot in that area!"

And I haven't stopped smiling yet.

We can NOT wait to meet our baby GIRL!

Such a BIG thanks to our AMAZING family and friends for your wonderful support, well wishes, sweet texts and FB messages today. We are so grateful to have such awesome people in our lives.

And I would feel so ungrateful if I didn't give a shout out to my BEYOND PERFECT husband. There's no one else I would rather have with me as we prepare for parenthood, and his excitement about our new addition makes me love him a trillion times more.

It's amazing how much I love her already.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pregnancy Update!

Twenty weeks and counting.

I'm halfway there! This was such a big hill to climb, and I'm so happy that I'm counting DOWN the weeks now. I can't wait to see how different our lives are going to be in just a few months. It's hard to believe that it will get better than this, because... I. LOVE. MY. LIFE. Can't say it enough.

I've been terrible at keeping updates of my pregnancy, so this post is really for me to reflect on down the road. But for those who care, here's what's going on:

How far along?  20 weeks.

Total weight gain: 3 lbs.

Maternity clothes? Not yet! All though at the end of wearing jeans all day, I'm definitely done.

Stretch marks? Nope. (Crossing my fingers)

Sleep: Difficult. Aside from waking up to use the facilities 2+ times a night, I toss and turn A LOT. And have crazy weird dreams.

Miss anything? Medicine when I'm sick. I'm paranoid and won't take ANYTHING.

Movement: I'm finally recognizing the difference between baby and gas bubbles! (TMI?) I get SO excited every. single. time.

Cravings: Green apples, salt & vinegar chips, Cuties oranges, baked potatoes. 

Anything make you queasy or sick? Meat. Especially in raw form.

Symptoms: Headaches, fatigue. (I really don't have too much to complain about. I'm one of the lucky ones.)

Wedding ring on or off? On!

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! All though the Mr. might say otherwise sometimes. :)

Looking forward to: Finding out the gender TOMORROW!

Friday, November 30, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Ok. So here's the scoop. My mom and I are bargain shoppers. But a couple weekends ago, ooh baby. I probably am the proudest bargain shopper to roam the earth.

So... last year I was on my honeymoon during Christmas, so I didn't have to put up or tree or even decorate.  I was starting to get a little bit of anxiety at the amount of $$$$$$$ I would have to drop on Christmas decor. (You know, because I had NONE.) So my mom and I ventured out to Porter's when they were in the burg visiting and here's the awesome find we had.

We were in the basement of Porter's when we noticed this HUGE bin of GORGEOUS Christmas ornaments. There was a sign that said 3 for $1.00. We knew it was too good to be true, because these ornaments were spectacular. So we asked, and the lady said.. "If it's in the bin, then that's the price."


We filled up like 6 baskets with the ornaments, literally cleaning them out.

Oh, and guess how much I saved...


Also, this bag is as big as a giant-sized garbage bag.

 And voila!

Thanks to my mom for buying me the gorgeous Christmas tree skirt and star. (This picture doesn't do it justice.)
We sure are spoiled.



It's definitely beginning to look A LOT like Christmas.
BIG THANKS to my wonderful hubs for being so patient with me while I craft and decorate. Even while I'm doing it in front of the T.V. while a game is on. (oops.) Love him.
(PLEASE ignore our book shelf. It will be the death of me.)
And... an extra stocking for baby. Only 5 days till we can stop calling him/her an IT. Yay!


Thanksgiving weekend would NOT have been complete without crafting with my mama  (and shopping) while the boys watched football.

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Such a funny honey

I knew there was a reason I married the man I did.

Besides the fact that he's THIS cute... (**insert drool here**)

There really never is a dull moment.
Last night, we were lounging around, eating tortilla chips and guacamole (yum), and I mentioned that we should get a diffuser. (I haven't been sleeping great, and a after a little research I decided this would be a good idea.)
You know, one of these...
 Because he loves me soooo much, he was like, "Yeah that would be great."
So we continuted eating our delish snack, and then a few minutes later he said...
"So where do we buy this defibrillator?"
You know, one of THESE....
I thought I was going to go into early labor I was laughing so hard. (Ok, not really...yikes.)  But his sincerity was what made this a good laugh. I mean, hours later, after sore abs, tears were still streaming down my face.
Thanks for the good chuckle babe, and for making my life PERFECT.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sweet girl, SWEET SIXTEEN!

Happy Sweet 16, Alyssa!!!
Oh I love this girl. And I wish we lived closer so that I could spoil her today with love and birthday spankin's. (Too old for that?? Nahhhh)
Here's 16 reason's I love this little lady SOO much: (ther are many, MANY more)
1. She is STUNNING. Like really, REALLY, naturally gorgeous.
2. She has the cutest freckers.
3. Her teeth? PERFECTION.
4.  She laughs at my husband's jokes.
5. I met her when she was 14, and she has BLOSSOMED before my very eyes!
6. She's going to be an AMAZING Aunt to my baby.
7. She's probably more mature that I am...(Not saying alot, but she is!)
8. This chica can SING!
9. I've never met anyone with better sarcasm. (The good kind.)
10. Somehow, and I've yet to figure this out, when she throws her hair up in a random messy
            bun, it looks PERFECT.
11. She. Is. HILARIOUS. This is not an exaggeration. I honestly feel bad for anyone who's never
            met her.
12. She is such an example to me. This girl's standards are SKY high.
13. Her wispy hairs. She know's what I'm talking about and they are ADORABLE.
14. Her laugh is CONTAGIOIUS.
15. Did I mention that she is BEAUTIFUL?
16. She's MY SISTER, and I love her so much!
Here's how cute she is:

 Happy Birthday, Alyssa!
I hope it's as wonderful as you are!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Oh baby...we're having a baby!

It's been my destiny to be a mom since I was 12 years old and started baby sitting. And after a short ten years later...dun dun dun...I get to be a mom!

April 26, 2013!!!
We are SO unbelievably blessed.
We also don't know the first thing about being parents, but I do know that this child of ours is going to be EXTREMELY loved.  It's impossible to not already love our little grapefruit-sized angel. And I haven't even seen that perfect little face yet.  Maybe it's my mommy instinct's starting to kick in, but I worry about this little peanut! Every doctor's appointment I am a bowl full of nerves until I'm reassured that  I have a healthy baby. And then I cry. (Tears of joy, of course.) Dang hormones.
I know our lives are going to be so so so different, but we can't wait!
So, so blessed.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Congrats baby!

Soooo, I totally get bragging rights on my husband today. (Ok, so I do that everyday..)  He's just SO wonderful, handsome, sexy, hard-working, charming, amazing, perfect, funny, love-able, kiss-able (my fave), and oh so SMART!

After studying this nasty book  for what seemed like FOREVER. (The picture doesn't show how thick it really is...yuck!)


Some of you are like... "blah blah blah, so what"... well, this is a big deal, and I am one proud wifey!
Especially doing this while he's in school, yeah my husband is a STUD.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Yay for the holiday seasons!!! This is my ABSOLUTE favorite time of the year. ANY reason to celebrate ANYTHING, and I am so there.

We started off this spook-tacular holiday by getting our scare on and going to the Haunted Mill. OOOOOOOO.... We have a love/hate relationship, the Haunted Mill and I. I let someone talk me into going EVERY year, and I hate it. The whole time I'm literally on the verge of tears and have to talk myself through it. It's the worst. (Thankfully I have a big, strong man to protect me from all the scary monsters.) And then, when it's all said and done.. I utter these words (everytime)... "Ohhh, that's wasn't so bad." Even though I really thought that scary man with the chainsaw was going to chop my head off. Sigh. We did have a great time with Brady & Hollie, and Jared & Chelsea though. And that hot chocolate after made this a fun night!


Our next festivity was carving pumpkins with the Nelson's! (Weird to say because technically I am a Nelson.) We love Michael and Ashley!

Technically I did the carving, and I made the Mr. scoop out all the pumpkin guts.

I even got to dress up for work!

Happy Halloween!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Dear Kaitlin

Happy Birthday Kaitlin!
aka Miss Provo.

Yep. That's my best friend right there.

Besides the fact that she's smokin' HOT, this girl is phenomenal. (Likely to be one of the reason's she's my BFF.) 

This girl was technically my first friend when I moved to Rexburg in High School. And that friendship hasn't faltered one single bit since. 

LOTS of high school memories together...

And you can't forget the EARLLLYYYY morning Black Friday shopping trips.

Side note: We woke up at 3 am. No judging.

Even after high school, her moving to Provo, different life experiences...our friendship is still top notch.  

ANNNNDDDD one can't forget that she was the single-handedly best maid of honor in the universe.

She's perfect. And here's to celebrating MANY, many more birthdays together.  Love you Kait!

Summer Highlights

Summer is officially over. And I am sad. The Mr. and I had a great time working 40 hours a week and only seeing each other in the evenings. Ok, just kidding. We hated that part....but we were able to sneak away on a few trips. I'll just give you a recap of some of the partying we did.

Y  E  L  L  O  W  S  T  O  N  E

Nic and Janey came up for a quick trip from Provo to hang out with us for the weekend. (Because we're so cool.) So...we went up to Yellowstone Park for the day, and had a grand ol' time.

The boys bought matching t-shirts, so we decided to buy matching coats...NOT.

Happy Birthday to My Mom AND Dad.

July is always a fun month for our family because we are lucky enough to celebrate BOTH of our loving parents' days of birth. Oh, and birthdays in our family are a BIG DEAL.

So... we ventured off for a little fun in the sun at Seven Peaks. There wasn't too much sun...but it sure was FUN. Love this family of mine.

Thanks for laughing at my jokes, Oscar. 

Love my mama.



In the beginning of August we got to fly out the land of sunshine with the Harper clan. The whole...going to DisneyLand, and playing on the beach, uh-mazing weather, and laying out by a FABULOUS pool...thing was definitely my cup of tea.  We were sad to leave and get back to the real world, but we left a few shades darker, and with lots of wonderful memories made.

We left our tickets at home....

Cutie patooties.

She was OBSESSED with the tide pools.

I looove my handsome hubs.

Playing on the beach is NOT complete without burying someone in the sand and making them look like a mermaid.
Ahem, merMAN.

Honestly though. She's a doll.

Labor Day Weekend

My cousins Summer and Mark blessed their sweet baby girl Adley this weekend.  It was fun hanging out with the family, eating yummy food, and of course kissing on this sweet girl. I love her SO much!

The weekend before school started, my Aunt Becky and Uncle Art brought their wonderful daughter Lexie up to school.  They were nice enough to put up with us for a few days and it was great seeing them! (I promised Becky I'd give her a shout out on here. :)  We certainty don't see them as much as I want to.

After Lexie got all settled, we drove down to Utah with them so we could catch up with my parents.
(We made a pit stop at a fruit stand in Brigham City for some of their famous peaches...YUM!)

The boys spent an afternoon at the BYU game, and the ladies shopped like it's hot at the City Creek mall....and of course stopped at Blue Lemon for lunch. It was a lovely afternoon that ended all too soon. (Boo for not getting ANY pictures.)

But this is how cute their family is...

Oh, and our summer would not have been complete without this:


And that's a wrap!  Now on to loads of homework....(for the husband, not me!)